Friday, January 30, 2009

Mentor Interveiw

1.What does your organization do for society?
2.How many animals a year do u receive, how many do u have to end up euthanizing?
3.Do you receive donations to help keep your organization running, if so from whom?
4.What are the most common animals you receive?
5.How many volunteers work here?
6.Who supplies all the medicine to take care of the sick animals?
7.Who founded Project Wildlife?
8.What does your position do for the organization?
9.What animals do you not take in and why?
10.What was your most memorable experience you've had so far?
11.What sort of qualities of skills do you need to get involved?
12.Do you teach to schools about your organization, if so what?
13.Do you enjoy what you do, and if so why?
14.If you could change one thing about your organization, what would it be?
15.How many years of experience have you had taking care of the animals?
16.What did you go to college for?
17.What do you see yourself doing in the future?
18.Who got you involved with Project Wildlife?
19.Did you always know you were going to be helping animals, when did you realize that's what you wanted to do?
20.What are your goals for your future stay at Project Wildlife?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Day of Internship

What happened today?????

Today was the first day of internship for me at project wildlife.

How did you get to internship????

I got there by Law's carpool which left at 12:10

What did you do for lunch???

I packed my lunch today because i didn't know if i would have time to buy lunch, which i did ending up having time for. I ate most of my lunch in the car

How did you get home??

My mom picked me up at 4:00

How did everything go?

Everything went pretty good. I learned how to syringe feed milk to two weeks old baby rabbits. I also watched how to feed a hawk with a beak problem and it was gross because they had to cut dead mice in half with scissors to feed it. yuck. I also experienced the disturbing job of taking the dead animals to the freezer to the humane society where there were dead cats and dogs there too, which were not covered. Playing with the bunnies was probley the best part of my day because the were so little and innocent you just couldnt help holding back a smile=]

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama

Our 44th president Barack Obama has portrayed careful, bold confidence throughout his first inaugural speech while Abraham Lincoln compares to portrays fair, empathetic compassion throughout his 2nd Inaugural address. Both former and current president made history while both expressing different ways to come across their upcoming challenges as president.

"Yes we can" was the popular chant and theme throughout Barack Obama's campaign trail. "Change" was the confidence he used to describe his plans to turn our troubled country around. Throughout Barack Obama's Inauguration address on January 20, 2009, he described our nation as a whole, and how we have to look forward into the future if we are going to fix the damage that has been done. His carefully thought out promises for the economic challenges we face are known to be met.

"They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America - they will be met." This attitude towards moving forward and having strong confidence to make a change shows that the process to come to this conclusion was well thought out and careful. Barack Obama promises to take "Bold and Swift" action throughout this inaugural address which contributes to the "Yes we can" confidence he seems to have. "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America."

Along with the change and confidence of our first black president, Abraham Lincoln shocked all with one of the most famous speeches of all time. March 4, 1865 was the start of Mr. Lincolns 2nd term as president which just so happened to be during the end of the Civil War. While Abram Lincoln guided America through the civil war, his inaugural address spoke of something rather different then choosing sides between the north or the south.

"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." He describes through this quote how hatred towards none, and doing good things for everyone, God lets us see the right and wrong for what really matters between war in one nation, and to achieve and cherish and peace amongst ourselves as well as other nations. He brings in God from a different standpoint and describes how "Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other." I see this as fair as well as empathetic because he was taking the war into a whole pointing out the truth of what was right for the country and what needed to happen.

Throughout both of these inaugurations Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln express different ways to introduce their new terms as president. From being careful and bold to fair and empathetic both presidents realize the challenges America faces and expresses the compromise of what needs to take place.

" Abraham Lincoln ." Supercomputing '94. (accessed January 21, 2009).

"Abraham Lincoln: Second Inaugural Address. U.S. Inaugural Addresses. 1989." Great Books Online -- Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Thesaurus and hundreds more. (accessed January 25, 2009).

"Obama Is Sworn In as the 44th President -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. (accessed January 21, 2009).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"In this new world, such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them. That is why we cannot afford to be divided. No one nation, no matter how large or powerful, can defeat such challenges alone." -Barack Obama

I chose this quote becuase I agree that our world is changing and that we cannot afford to be divided. Our country needs to work together to conquer all the challenges we have today in society and that starts with Barack Obama.

His words relate to everyday life because our econemy is doing poorly and has basically "swept along faster than our efforts to contain them". Losing jobs relates to everyday life becuase your losing suport needed for your family which I can relate too.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Revised Outline Artist Statement

Thesis: Today's modern theatre on Broadway in New York has connected with the past forms of theatre in many ways with William Shakespeare and his contributions and the overall growth of Broadway.

Body: Todays modern theatre vs William Shakespeare- what we use today that was reflected by him- What impacts he made on the world and playwrite- Icons who were influenced by him
Growth of broadway- about shows/importance- Newyork city attraction- whats similair between old and modern theader, whats not

Conclution: (recap)How William Shakespeare connects to modern day theatre, What might continue on from our era to contribute to the futures generation of performing arts

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Artist Statement Outline

Thesis: Describes how modern day theatre on Broadway New York connects with the history and historical significance of William Shakespeare during his time.

Body Paragraphs: Today's modern arts, significance people or icons to theatre, William Shakespeare, his contributions

Conclusion: How William Shakespeare connects to modern day theatre, What might continue on from our era to contribute to the futures theatre

Thursday, January 8, 2009


The two articles on bush saving the areas in the pacific and doing nothing to help the green house gases are two contrasting articles. Its hard to imagine this "largest legacy" when Bush has failed to develop clean energy sources, abandon endangered species and much more. It doesn't seem much like a legacy to me but if you put all things together he screwed up, one act to protect the marine life in specific areas might just be one.

"For a president that's not very green, ironically, this is going to be his largest legacy." was the quote that the Washington post article Bush to Protect Three Areas in Pacific portrayed. If protecting the marine life in these endangered areas are important to Bush, then why can't he protect the endangered animal life in the Arctic that we are causing?

Comparing these two articles together the Bush's seven deadly enviormental sins really pin point global issues that have been ignored, rejected, or by passed. For example "The result: eight precious years wasted in the fight against global warming as we watched carbon-dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere shoot up, while scientists' predictions about the speed and severity of global warming became increasingly dire". This article also compares what Bush did to the upcoming plans of Barrack Obama.

In all these texts are different in describing the good, and bad of what George W. Bush has done in his terms as president. Someday hopefully all of the economic problems will be solved and on the road to recovery.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1. I hope to learn in the "adult world" while working at my internship responsibly, independence, and time management. When your in the adult world you cant have someone always there telling you what to do at your job, responsibility and independence is all about doing things on your own. Time management would be organizing my school work and out side of school activity's along with internship.

2. I hope to learn more about animal science through my internship and see if its something I'd want to major in college. I also hope to find some strengths and weaknesses of my own through internships so i can relate those to real adult jobs i might have in the future.

3. My goal in internship is to meet new people and have a good time working at my site. I would also like to get as much experience as possible and make my internship well worth. I hope i can learn as much as i can and like i said before have something to reflect and learn from in the end.