Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election & H20 Project

Election Reflection
I feel really good about the election because the candidate who i wanted to win won. I am convinced that he will bring change to our country. I hope that we will be bale to get out of the financial crisis we are in and be able to have a more stable economy. I also hope Barrack Obama ends the war in Iraq and helps bring our troops home safely. I am concerned with the tax increase that will be happening for the middle class because that's the class that my family is in. I'm also concerned about how having an African American president will effect allot of the racial groups.

I would say i have only a little civic knowledge about whats going on in current events. Doing blogs and researching current events has really helped me better understand them. The discussions we have in class also help me get a deeper understanding on what goes on in the world. By continuing these discussions will continue to help me get a better grasp on today's current events. Talking to my family and friends about this current election i feel like i knew allot about them and could make my own opinions and be able to support why i felt that way.

H20 Project

* what effects do people have on the seals enviorment in La Jolla Cove?

Resources Needed:

-Camera for photo essay(10-12 high quality picture

-Interview questions for Friends of Seals, tourists, and cave store


-Car for transportation

People Needed:

-Cave store employees/shops near by

-Cove lifeguards

-Friends of our seals(interview)



-Nov. 6, list of people done post on blog

-Nov.7, revise with Randy and or classmates

-Nov, 17-21 edit photo essay in Margret's class

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