Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outstanding Blogzzz

1. I liked Ana's Economic advice to Barack Obama because she had alot of great historical context and compared her current events to the historical events well, she used specific and thoughful quotes that really supported her piece of writing.

"In my humble opinion, the red line should continue to increase. My advice to you would be to create more Green Jobs that would put Americans back to work in a secure workfield.

In a way, Franklin Roosevelt's responsibilities during the Great Depression are very similar to the responsibilities you take on today. "On May 18, President Roosevelt submitted to congress the center-piece of his first hundred days: the National (Industrial) Recovery Act, or NRA." Roosevelt's plan was designed to promote recovery. It was set up to bring maximum work hours for laborers, minimum wages, and forbid child labor. My advice to you is to look back on our nation's history, especially the Great Depression. FDR's challenges relate so much to yours, so you can take away things to do, as well as not to do. My question for you is, when can we expect to see new jobs being created?"

2. I thought that Diana Barlow's Literary Analysis was really good because in her honors blog because she describes the metophors her book portrayed with great detail and evidence.

"Many metaphors and smilies were intertwined in the novel to compare the characters and situations as well. For example, when the movie Titanic became a huge hit, Laila and Mariam would always watch it, and thats where this quote came from; "Everyone wants Jack," Laila said to Mariam. "Everybody wants Jack to rescue them from disaster. But there is no Jack. Jack is not coming back. Jack is dead." (page 270) Such is a metaphor for life under the Taliban which was dangerous and a scary place. Or what Nana said to Mariam when she was a child that “Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman.” (page 7) That quote can be seen repeated all throughout the novel because of women segregation, and how they could always be found in blame no matter what the situation."

3. I thought Amanda's Historical Writing was great because she took important issues in society today and compared them to back then and what plan she had to resolve our problems

""The energy efficiency efforts of California began in the 1970s and have already shown a green economy is a good economy. By adopting new building codes and appliance standards, Californians saved $56 billion between 1972 and 2006 and saw 1.5 million related jobs created."
I would then begin to brainstorm ideas on new energy sources we could look into and talk about how we should begin putting those plans into action immediately. Following that should be a green environment and a more stable economy!"

4. I really like Esther's blog because it was all around well thought out and had a nice style to it. All of her blogs were completed and they looked like they had a lot of time and effort put forth into them.

"In every time period there are many different things that happen in the world that make elections what they are. It is battle of opposing ideas, of two different candidates. They both have their own ideas about what they are going to do about all of the different situations that are going on at the time or previous issues that were either good for the country or bad. The previous events lead up to the conflicts between the two parties because they both have their own ideas, and they have to put them out there for the people to know what side they are on. Just like our most recent election had gone through with McCain and Obama. This is just a process that every election goes through and will go through for the rest of the years"

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