Thursday, February 19, 2009

Progressive Era

I think that the progressive era progressed through working conditions in the industrial factories, freedom, and the constitutional amendments.

Working conditions played a big part because women were treated poorly and stood out against it. In the Triangle Shirt Fire a catastrophe took place because of the staff locking the doors so they all suffered the unfair consequence of dieing. If it wasn't for a lot of the poor working conditions women and children faced, there would be nothing to gain from these disasters to then progress to not have them. We now know as a country that you can't have poor working conditions because of the freedom we are given from our constitutional rights.

I also think freedom has progressed greatly throughout the progressive era because of the rights that African American had as well as woman and children. They basically didn't have much freedom at all until strikes took place and the labor movement occurred. Freedom back then wasn't anything like the freedom we now have today. Colored people were treated unfairly and woman suffered through long hours in factories to get paid low wages until the 19th amendment through the U.S Constitution.

The Constitutional Amendments changed life for many people which progressed in the right path of what we have today." The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." This opened up many opportunities for the rights of woman to vote and voice their own opinion to their own country. In my opinion this wasn't just progress, but a great step to having equal rights and coming together as a country, which is progressing as a whole.

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